In short
It opened last night in the West End and there are a criminal number of empty seats at very good prices!
It is at the Peacock theatre until Saturday 19th October 2019
Go and buy tickets
Seen it before
I’ve seen this production twice before as it toured the UK and it’s has not disappointed me yet. (Tunbridge Wells and New Wimbledon)
My Highlights
So there were four parts of the show that I’d call my personal highlights based on last night.
The teachers argument
Miss Sherman (Mica Paris) vs. Miss Bell (Katie Warsop) sung with such emotion you can not help but completely believe in these two characters.
Think of Meryl Streep
Serena (Molly McGuire) acts whilst singing and again really makes me connect the the character as that character learns how to connect to her emotions for acting.
These are my children
Every time I’ve seen the show this song blows me away Miss Sherman (Mica Paris) delivers this song with such power, and you cannot help but believe how much she feels she has “the privilege to teach”
Bring on tomorrow (reprise)
Just a piano played by Schlomo (Simon Anthony) had the entire theatre in complete silence! Quite a contrast from some of the louder numbers, but done so well. (I’ll excuse the the slight equipment fan noise).
Other thoughts
The dancing needs mentioning a lot of it is such high energy. It also can not be easy dancing badly when you know how to do it well! They all inspire me to get myself back to the gym, but don’t think I’ll catch up with them.
My verdict
I can only give this show 10/10. It to me is a real feel good show (despite dealing with a drugs overdose in the storyline). When my mates are free and in London I’ll be going back!
Met one of my childhood friends who I’m still in touch with who was also watching the show, and know she shared my opinion of how good this production is!
Who’s free to come and see it again with me?