So today I’ve written a plug-in for x-plane 11 and it lets me control my hue lights…
This took far too long, but I’ve had to refresh my (human) memory on how to write code in C.
I’ve learnt how to compile a dll to use libcurl as the hueapi is based round http requests and sod writing that from scratch when there are free industry standard libraries waiting to be used.
But I’m proud of what I’ve got working all good exercise for the mind, the next tricky bit is making some menus as I’ve got lots of hard coding in there based round my own hue setup that won’t be too useful to other people. Although it tempting I can’t really expect people to work out the IP address of their hue bridge to type in to save me coding the find hue device code.
All because when I am flying the X-Plane commercial jets I want to be able to control the room lighting based off the simulation settings. Not sure if all planes implement the cocking lighting stuff, but someone has suggested that it could be linked to ambient light too (need to find where we can read this from still)
I also want to see if the code runs fast enough that some hue lamps can copy the external plane lighting that flashes, but if it slows down too much I’ll scrap that idea.